Somedays you can’t make it to training, no big deal. In the words of the fabled Jimmy James, “That’s ok too.” But my question to you is, what are you doing about it? Some people love to get away from the routine schedule and spend their nights relaxing or enjoying night spots. Others see it as an opportunity to hit the road alone and train with Pat Malone.
For those who don’t know, ‘Pat Malone’ is slang for ‘alone.’ So to train with Pat is to hit the pavement or park near wherever you are and do the sessions anyway.
Not only is it a peaceful way to unwind and explore a new place but it’s a chance to do some different training and not have the same coach flying off the handle if your not going fast enough. I’ve been to boxing gyms around the world while away on holidays meeting locals and getting some good training done at the same time. Most famously having a stand off with legendary fight promoter/trainer Joe Goossen at his gym in Los Angeles, but in the end he loved me.
I just got a text message this morning from one of my finest athletes, Adam Franklin, who is away on business. Adam asked me what session to do tomorrow morning. I love his initiative to think, “I can still get some good work done here.” Sure he’s not with the squad but to have the desire to make the best of the situation is fantastic. His enthusiasm for the contest is admirable.
My old boxing trainer once said, “The difference between a good session and a bad session isn’t that much, but every session builds to your overall base.” I agree. Every bad night of sparring that I did when it felt like my face was a catcher’s mitt added to my overall ring generalship and ultimately made me a better fighter. Moreover, now I train for the marathon, half of my road miles are done alone. It just has to be done.
You have to be able to stand alone. I doff the the cap to Adam for doing training sessions on his own up there in the Brisbane humidity with Pat. It’s not the coaches responsibly to hold your hand every time you have to train and for an athlete to build that independence is crucial. Jeff Fenech comes to mind as an athlete who couldn’t function without his usual coach in his corner and this impacted his performances in the 1984 Olympics.
So to anyone on the road and away from the camp, there’s no reason to sit around whining because your not with the squad keep your regime going. Be like Adam and train with Pat, it will make you tough.